•  Benefits of ROP's CTE Programs

    Student Benefits

    • Workbound and collegebound ROP students are able to explore careers. (Training in 27 career fields offered.)
    • ROP students gain a better understanding of how academics relate to careers.
    • ROP students find out if they excel in a particular occupation before investing additional time and resources.
    • ROP students acquire valuable practical experience and professional contacts in their field of interest.
    • ROP alumni are able to effectively compete in the job market.
    • ROP alumni can earn a living while pursuing additional/higher education.
    • ROP students can earn their high school diploma, while meeting UC a-g requirements and receiving FREE college credits.

     School Benefits

    • ROP helps increase the graduation rate and may contribute to a reduction in the high school dropout rate.
    • ROP provides career academic curriculum which may assist students with passing the high school exit exam.
    • Some ROP staff work on high school campuses and serve as a valuable faculty resource.

    Employer Benefits

    • Employers can draw from a pool of skilled workers.
    • Employers (who serve as an ROP internship site) can see peoples' work skills before hiring them.
    • Employers can shape education and impact the economy by offering advice on ROP curriculum.
    • Employers can reduce labor turnover, absenteeism, and on-the-job injuries by employing ROP's well-trained alumni.
    • Employers gain recognition for their dedication to education.

     Community Benefits

    • ROP helps reduce the unemployment rate through training and job placement efforts. The program generates more wage earners, increasing the number of taxpayers directly supporting their local community.
    • ROP helps reduce the number of people relying on welfare and public assistance funds.
    • ROP training is tuition-free and available to people of all economic levels.
    • CAROCP (California Association of Regional Occupational Centers/Programs) is a statewide professional organization that helps the 72 statewide ROCP's meet community needs. Business leaders are encouraged to join.