• Adv. Auto Body

  • Class Description

    This course is for students interested in a career in auto body repair. Students study advanced topics and complete projects that include learning the skills required for color matching to industry specifications. Instruction focuses on students applying skills and knowledge learned to identify frame damage and methods of repair and measuring. Students will become proficient in shop management, team leadership, and business principles.

  • Class Logistics

    Campus: Livermore High

    Course Length: 1 Year / 1 Period

    High School Credits: 10 

    Fulfills a-g: "g"

    Certificate Earned: I-CAR

  • For Students Interested In

    ... learning about careers in collision repair while gaining practical experience in the shop and paint booth. Careers include structural and frame repair, color matching and blending, insurance adjusting and estimating, restoration, rust repair and more.

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