Class Description
This course provides students with a strong overview of law enforcement as a career. Each portion of the course helps students obtain proficiency in understanding the different components of the criminal justice system. Students are provided with an overview of career opportunities, including but not limited to sworn personnel such as police officers, sheriffs, highway patrol, correctional officers and non-sworn personnel such as dispatchers, evidence technicians, lab technicians, and attorneys. Students study the connections between the criminal justice and court systems through laws and report writing. The course is tied together utilizing curriculum in crime scene investigation. Students employ skills learned with hands-on projects, including investigating a mock crime scene.
Class Logistics
Campus: Amador Valley High
Dublin High
Foothill High
Livermore High
Course Length: 1 Year / 1 Period
High School Credits: 10
Potential College Credits: 6
Fulfills a-g: "g"
Certificate Earned: CPR Certification
For Students Interested In
... learning more about the criminal justice system (law enforcement, courts, corrections) and exploring various careers in the field.