To access this as a printable doc, visit bit.ly/MCstepstoapply
Middle College at Las Positas College (LPC) will accept applications for 70 juniors (Class of 2027) for the 2025-2026 academic year. In addition, we may have a minimal number of openings in our senior cohort (Class of 2026). Only students currently enrolled within DUSD, LVJUSD, and PUSD are eligible to apply. Students cannot be credit deficient.
Steps to Apply Helpful hints for each step are included in red.
◯ Step 1) Attend One In-person Information Night at LPC
Wednesday, January 15, 2025, 6:00 – 7:30 PM - LPC Building 4000, Mertes Theater
Wednesday, January 22, 2025, 6:00 – 7:30 PM - LPC Building 4000, Mertes Theater
If unable to attend in person, you can attend a virtual presentation on Zoom:
Monday, January 27, 2025 - 6:00 – 7:30 PM bit.ly/MCzoomlink
◯ Step 2) Submit Online MCHS Application Available at bit.ly/MCHSapplication
The application opens on Wednesday, January 15, and closes on Friday, February 14, at 4 PM.
Except for the parent/guardian recommendation, the Middle College application process should be completed by YOU, the student, not the parent/guardian.
◯ Step 3) Complete Parent/Guardian Form Parent/Guardian Recommendation
bit.ly/MCHSparentguardianrec This is the one part of the application to be completed by the parent/guardian.
◯ Step 4) Request Five Recommendations from Your Home High School
You, as the student, not your parent/guardian, should contact the school staff to request the recommendations and share the recommendation form link or bitlys. All recommendations must be submitted by Friday, February 21st. References will be verified. Students will be assigned an MC Application Number to track completed recommendations at bit.ly/MCrectracker.
▢ Online Administrator Recommendation (current administrator) bit.ly/MCHSadminrec
You can look at your home school website to determine your assigned administrator. This is usually a vice-principal.
▢ Online Counselor Recommendation (home hs counselor) bit.ly/MCHScounselorrec
You can look at your home school website to determine your assigned counselor.
▢ Online Teacher Choice Recommendation (student choice) bit.ly/MCHSteacherrec
You can select a current or recent high school teacher. This teacher should know you well and be able to speak to your potential academic success in the Middle College program. y
▢ Online Math Teacher Recommendation (current math teacher) bit.ly/MCHSmathrec
This must be your current math teacher. If you are not currently enrolled in a math course, you must contact your most recent math teacher.
▢ Online English Teacher Recommendation (current English teacher) bit.ly/MCHSEnglishrec
This must be your current English teacher.
◯ Step 5) Attend the LPC Saturday Student Application Orientation
Saturday, Feb. 22nd, 9AM – 12PM
The event is intended to provide you with the opportunity to meet the MC staff and other applicants while learning more about the program and getting a feel of the LPC campus! While this is a mandatory, student-only event, we understand there are valid reasons for absence, including school, sports, or religious events. If you cannot attend, you must reach out to Amy Brown in advance at abrown@tvrop.org.
◯ Step 6) Complete the Student Interview
If your application is complete and eligible, you will be invited to a Middle College Interview with MC, LPC, and district staff at their home high school. We will share more details about the interview at the Saturday Orientation.
✓ Placement and cohorts will be selected and finalized by the end of March.
Contact Amy Brown abrown@tvrop.org
To access this doc online, visit bit.ly/MCstepstoapply • Info Night slide deck linked at bit.ly/MCinfonight